Salam and hi to all! The fasting month is back again and it means more cooking for me! Please don't get it wrong. Mr Boss aka Tukang Makan is never fussy with food. He simply eats what I have prepared. So, what do I really mean with more cooking during the fasting month when Mr Boss aka Tukang Makan is not placing orders? Actually, when I'm fasting, the person with the most cravings is ME!hahaha..
The entry for the time is my APAM ENO. Since I love 'tapai pulut' I like the 'zingy' taste of this kuih. It's easy to prepare and steaming only takes 10 minutes. If 'tapai pulut' is not your cup of tea, you might find this kuih to taste a bit peculiar! Anyway, here's the recipe.
You will need :
150g rice flour
5 tbsp sugar
1/2 tbsp dry yeast
150ml water
1/2 tsp Eno (original flavour)
- In a bowl, mix the flour with yeast and sugar.
- Pour in the water gradually and mix well.
- Keep aside for 6-8 hours.
- Put your moulds in the steamer and let the water in the steamer boils rapidly.
- Next, put into the Eno and stir well. Keep aside so the mixture turns frothy.
- Divide mixture into two portions. You can use any of your favourite food colourings.
- When the water is boiling, spoon the mixture into the moulds.
- Steam for 10 minutes.
- Serve with grated coconut.
shah i've tried an apam before, tp bila dh siap kukus, apam tu mcm melimpah ruah dr acuan kecik yg comel itu...huhuhu..sungguh hodoh
that was my 1st i know kena letak half je bancuhan tepung dlm acuan utk dikukus..
tp lambat le nak abis...sebab tu i letak pepenuh...hehehe
btw, shah pakai acuan apa? i used that small red punya acuan
Ah-ha, lurrveee the colours and they are cute to boot! Thumbs Up CikYah.
ina n dikwi, tima kasih le puji2 ..hehehehe. dah kembang cam apam gak nih! hehehehe. Ina, i used the plastic jelly moulds.the recipe i used makes 8 pieces of apam.
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