Still remember those lines from the nursery rhyme? No? Let me refresh your memory.
Do you know the muffin man,
The muffin man, the muffin man,
Do you know the muffin man,
Who lives down Drury Lane.
This entry is about the muffins that I prepared for DikWi's son, Azfar's, Canteen Day. Wi, if you are reading, thanks for the trust. Initially, I wasn't really sure whether my homemade muffins can be sold but when my dear friend, Dikwi mentioned that it's going to be part of Azfar's school charity programme, I agreed to prepare these muffins. Here are the photos. Will enclose the recipes later because it's getting late and I need to be in school as early as 7 a.m. tomorrow morning!


Here's the recipe. These muffins are worth a try!
- 200 g plain flour
- 160g unsalted butter
- 120g brown sugar
- 100g chocolate chips
- 20g/ 4 tsp cocoa powder
- 20g/ 4 tsp baking powder
- 140 fresh milk
- 1 egg (well-beaten)
- Preheat your oven at 180C.
- Sieve together flour, butter, baking powder and cocoa powder. Keep aside.
- Beat the butter and brown sugar until fluffy.
- Put in sieved ingredients and egg. Mix well.
- Pour in the milk and chcolate chips amd mix again.
- Arrange paper cups into a muffin mould.
- Pour mixture into paper cups and bake at at 180C for 15-20 minutes.
- Let cool and serve.
Cik yah.. ni cik iza ke drp my resipi? he he he...
Bukanle. Ni kak shah la. Nama cikyah tu nama time gila chatting2 dulu.sape2 yg biasa chat kat kenal le.
i know the muffin man.. err i know that.. they always sing it in FunSongFactory!!!
-the mommy muffins-
Ross,I bet you are a muffin fan as well.
Visiting your blog ALWAYS makes me hungry... I think I'll go attack the fridge now...
Nasy, u can still afford to 'attack' it for your slim figure...hehehe
oh my, the muffins were yummy with just the right taste and texture. i thought of NOT donating it to the bazaar, the devil in me wanted to keep it for my own pleasure. in the end, i ate 3, my eldest the sweettooth gobbled 4 in one go!
Wi,thank you so much for the heart-warming compliments
teringinnnn nya makan muffin cikyah di kejauhan ini.. haha!!
ada special delivery ke? cikyah deliver to wi? hehe!!
Ross,Hari tu Wi dtg amik sendiri sebab cikyah kan 'excellent' driver..hehe
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